Sunday, February 15, 2009

About to hit the year mark most of you know we have been attempting to get pregnant for a while.......Well, to be exact! it will be one year in exactly one month and my doctor is starting to throw out terms like "second-line infertile" I guess meaning that I have successfully had a pregnancy that resulted in a baby but am now unable to get pregnant! ARGHHH......why the heck cant I have a baby!! I mean you got el-ding-bat giving birth to eight when she was so obviously having them for the wrong reasons......and I just want one! (at least one more) Billy needs a little play mate!


Joe Belanger said...

You have my deepest sympathy.

Becky and Ethan+4 said...

That is so hard, I wouldn't even know how to feel really but I am sorry!

Julie T. said...

I am so sorry to hear that. If it makes it any easier, it took me about a year to get pregnant with Ridge. Hang in there!

Liz Prisbrey said...

I am so sorry!! There are a few people I know feeling your pain right now and I ache for all of you. If you want a good vent fest on the octuplet women, check out

Sarah and Val said...

Lizzie, It must be so hard. Cause you do have such a cute and sweet little guy and I'm sure he'd like a little 'sibling' to share things with and pick on.

Emily B said...

Don't get me started on that octuplet lady. That is so frustrating that she can have 14 kids even though she is obviously mentally unstable, and you can't have at least one more. Good luck, Liz. I hope the doctor is wrong.

Ronda said...

That is so frustrating, it took us a little bit longer to get pregnant this time, and I had such a hard time. I hope your doctor figure out a way to help you get pregnant.