Friday, October 12, 2007

Growing Pains

So my littlest Billy is going through some growing pains. He has discovered his hands and now is appalled at the idea of a Binky but isn't quite smart enough to understand that if he gets upset and flails his arms around they will come out of his mouth so he can't suck. However, I think he may be getting it since I had to wake the baby up this morning around three to feed. He was curled up in a little ball with all four of his fingers in his mouth....sucking vigorously. I wouldn't have woke him up if I hadn't already soaked the bed...Time to Feed!!! (Sorry to gross you out boys of the world)


Sarah and Val said...

I love your new blog. And I love you and your sweet little family. I love to see all your postings and pictures.

Leah and Dustin said...

I'm so glad you're back! Don't ever leave me again...never,never!

Deleted said...

We went through that same tough period with Greg right around this age! The thumb won as you well know!

Sarah and Val said...

Lizzie in the middle picture of you holding Little Buddy he looks so big. Almost like he is not a new born. Probably because he is so long.

Andy said...


I know you're a novice when it comes to these babies, but they do, in fact, grow. Ha ha.

Sarah and Val said...

And Andy sometimes they even shrink when they go on a mission.

Leah and Dustin said...